Helping schools educators make a greater impact

A student’s school experience has a profound impact on their future. Google for Education shareable devices and collaborative tools help teachers prepare all students with new, more engaging ways to learn the skills they need to succeed.

Tools for collaboration, communication, and creativity

✅Google for Education gives teachers the freedom to spend more time personalizing the learning experience, and less time managing it. Students can learn 21st-century problem-solving and the skills they’ll use in their future careers, with accessibility features that help every student do their best work.

There are two children playing on a tablet. One of them is teaching the other how to use the device.

✅See how Google for Education accessibility tools and features can help every student learn. .

A board on a wall, it reads a large title that says, Look what we can do in Google.

See how easy it is to manage Chromebooks with the Google Admin Console. .

Easy IT administration for organizations of all sizes

✅Google for Education products are easy to deploy, use, and manage. With a few clicks, IT administrators can set up new devices and manage policies across an entire school or district. Automated, cloud-based management streamlines processes and ensures all users stay up to date.

Budget-friendly, with security built in

Google Workspace and Classroom are available at no cost for schools, and shareable Chromebooks extend the benefits of technology easily and affordably to more students—with 24/7 support and multiple layers of security to keep students and data safe.

Teacher and girl are in front of a Chromebook, possibly reading about how Google protects the information of Teachers and Students.

Learn how Google protects teacher and student privacy and keeps your data secure. .

“Combining Google Workspace for Education with Chromebooks gave us a truly seamless, efficient, effective, and innovative learning system that supports our personalized learning environment. There is no way we could do this without using Chromebooks and Google Workspace for Education.”

David Gundlach, Deputy Superintendent, Oshkosh Area School District

Learn more about how school institutions are making an impact with Google

Supercharge your lessons with our Teaching Resources

Discover a wealth of tools, activities, courses, lessons, and more for a wide range of subjects and skill levels.

Help your team get started

Bringing Google tools to your school? We’ve got you covered. Whether you’re an educator or administrator—you’ll find programs, training, and support to help you get the most from Google for Education.

Teacher Center

Browse a collection of online training resources to help teachers effectively use Google technology in the classroom.

Setup guides

Find the resources your IT team needs to plan, deploy, and support Google Workspace and Chromebooks at your school.

Product support

Get answers to your questions and access guides, tutorials, user forums, and support for Google for Education products.

Get Started

Talk to a specialist

✅Contact a Google for Education specialist for personalized help in choosing the right products for your school or district.

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